Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wireless Energy and Tesla

The time has come for me to share with you one of the greatest things ever invented (which is currently NOT available to consumers). This is beleaved to be one of the greatest and most powerful inventions by a man named Nikola Tesla. For those of you who have not heard of him before, let me elaborate a little on just who this man is.

Your children will not read of him in their history books. Some of his patents have been taken credit for by other inventors. Some of the things he accomplished are kept from the general public and left top secret. Many of his inventions remain closed up in a top secret vault somewhere only a private goverment agency knows the location of. So you have to ask why, why is this man such a big secret?

In the late 1800s, and throughout the early 1990s, Nikola Tesla had gone on to make many patents, and build many inventions, that have in turn, changed the world we live in completely. Most of us know a man name Thomas Edison to be the man who created the first light bulb, and therefor creating the first useful product to his most important discovery; electricity as direct current, (dc). When it comes to who created the electricity powerful enough to where everyone could use the lightbulb, we owe it all to a man named Nikola Tesla for creating his Alternating Current (ac) electricity.

Tesla learned that by wrapping a wire around a spool and apply electricity to it then you would have an electo magnet. He then reversed the field by turning a magnet around the coil with in turn creates a higher voltage of electic energy.

The way i like to look at it (though not %100 accurate) that can help explain the difference between AC, and DC will be to use water as a demonstration. Electricity is very much like water flowing through a garden hose. You turn on the hose, and as the water goes in one end, it will push water out the other end... DC would be like simply turning on the water and letting it flow out the hose directly as the water aprays out in accordanence to how much pressure you add, there will be more distance. The range of the water coming out of the hose is not very far and you have to be very close to the end of the hose to get any use out of it. AC would be like applying a prinkler to the end of the hose, where now the end of the hose is attached to a devices that flings the water to greater distances (only it still flows in a straight path).

This is not the perfect demonstrationg, but in a sence is accurate. By using a coil you are alternating the energy dreating almost like a whip effect, as it whips back and forth, the energy supplied at the tail end of the whip is much greater than the energy put into the whip.

It wasn't long after Tesla discovered AC that he went on to discover wireless energy, and freuency. He learned over time different frequecies, and the uses of each frequency to make radio, remote control, and wireless energy.

Wireless energy was a briliant discovery that he tried in tunr to run the whole world with. He learned that by using a safe frequency capable of sending electrical energy accross the entire earth, that he could turn the earth into an electromagnetic generator. The Eart... would be like one of thes shakem up lights you see at the store where there is a magnet moving between coils of wire, only this wire was invisible, and fed through a electric fequency.

He the realized that he could supply the earth with unlimited energy and end the demand for petroleum based transportation, and keep the world running fit and clean. However, he also made claims that his device could even be used to make slight changes to the earths weather (probably by tuning the orbit), and also he claimed he could build an emf force field around every country so that when war spreads, the field could be turned on and no electronic device could pass through. To top it all off he told JP Morgan that the energy source would be free and it would be difficult for him to make money on it, just like radio stations must broadcast for free. because once you buy or bild your own radio, you will automatically pick up the frequencies you are set to.

Tesla was in the middle of building his electric radio towers also know as the Wardenclyffe project, when JP morgan seized his funding, and ruined him for life. He still went on to make patents, but didnt have the money to develope anymore. He worked for Morgan for free, and asked him only for all the funding he needed to experiment with his ideas.

Now my friends comes the most interesting part... This is one of my own therories which could very likely be wrong but yet still a fair observation... NASA has been claiming that the earths axis has been tilting more in the las 60 years than it did for thousands of years before that. Due to recent discovries that the poles shift on the earth every so many thousands of years, many scientist believe that this is what we are comming to. It could be right, but consider this... Tesla claimed by sending witreless electricity around the earth that he could control weather patterns, which could make real sence if he was planning to fine tune the earths magnetic field, therefore changing its very axis slightly. If he was going to use wireless frequency to accomplish this, then couldn't it be possible that all the radio waves, and wireless frequencies we tap into and manipulate everyday on earth for our cell phones, our satelites, our radios, and our remote controls could in turn being causing change to the earths magnetic field? So I wonder if Tesla was right, and that by not letting him do it his way we are going to generate the opposite effect, of knocking the earth off its axis.

This will be something i'd love to ask a speacialist in the FCC for monitoring waveleghnths. Anyways, dont let it bother you. If god wants to fix it then i'm sure he'll be back soon lol.. Thank you all again for reading, eat drink and be marry...

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